Category: Uncategorized (Page 8 of 22)

March 2022 meeting

Files for the March 2022 meeting will be posted here.

If you would like to sign up for meeting notices, you can use the form on our meetings page to subscribe to our mailing list.

February 2022 meeting

Files for the February 2022 meeting will be posted here.

In addition, please find additional files and resources that were referenced during the January 2022 meeting regarding the new jail:

If you would like to sign up for meeting notices, you can use the form on our meetings page to subscribe to our mailing list.

January 2022 meeting; new website for Loko I’a Paʻaiau

Files for the January 2022 meeting.

Note that the Aiea Neighborhood Board meeting for February will take place on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 instead of February 14, 2022.

Also, as announced in the ACA meeting, Loko I’a Pāʻaiau has a beautiful new website! Please check them out at!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Food & Feminine Hygiene Products Drive on Monday, January 17, 9-3pm at Aiea Hongwanji

Happening this Monday, January 17, at Aiea Hongwanji from 9-3pm!

Every year, Hawai’i has a Martin Luther King Parade to commemorate this work for America. This year, in lieu of the parade, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii is teaming up with the Hawaii NAACP on a food and feminine hygiene products drive.

‘Aiea Hongwanji (99-186 Puakala St., Aiea, HI 96701) will be one of the drop-off sites. Pleas bring non-perishable food items for Hawaii Foodbank and feminine hygiene products for Ma’i Movement Hawai’i. Volunteers will be on-hand to accept your drive-thru donations.

Thank you for your kokua!

For additional information, see the PDF below:

ʻAiea [Virtual] Community Christmas Parade 2021

Happy Holidays!

Unfortunately, the ʻAiea Community Association was unable to hold its annual Christmas Parade this year. Instead, we asked the community to send us videos and photos with holiday messages to share with our community in a virtual parade. You can view the parade by pressing the PLAY button on the video above, or by following this link to YouTube.

Also, see the following Christmas greeting from the hardworking staff at Aloha Stadium! Unfortunately, their message temporarily got lost in Santa’s mailbag and didn’t make it into the video, but please see the great shot below!

Thank you to everyone who submitted items for our virtual Christmas parade!

And special thanks to Ms. Karen Higa for coordinating the virtual parade.

No ACA Meeting in December

Happy Holidays!

The ʻAiea Community Association has decided not to hold a meeting this month (December 2021). The next ACA meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, January 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM. We hope to see you all in the new year!

Until then, please have a wonderful holiday season!

Virtual ʻAiea Parade

Happy Holidays!

Please join us in a virtual ʻAiea Christmas Parade!

Unfortunately, we are unable to hold an in-person parade this year. We’re hoping to gather videos and photos with holiday messages to share with our community.  These videos and photos will be featured on the ʻAiea Community Association website.

We invite you or your organization to share a greeting with us to add to our virtual parade. Use the link below to access the submission form.

Aiea Parade:  Submit your photo or video at this link

If you’re unable to open the above link, you can instead download our alternative Microsoft Word form (linked here), fill it out, and send it (along with your video/photo) to

To allow us sufficient time to process all the submissions, we ask that you please submit your videos or photos to us by December 10, 2021.

Claire and Karen
ʻAiea Community Association

November 2021 meeting

If you would like to sign up for meeting notices, you can use the form on our meetings page to subscribe to our mailing list.

Files for our November 2021 meeting, if any, will be added to this post. Please note that this post may be subject to change if additional files are received.

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