Category: Uncategorized (Page 21 of 22)

“Going Green” Day!

Going Green DayThe Aiea Community Association will be hosting a “Going Green Day” next week Saturday, July 28th, 2012, at Alvah A. Scott Elementary School from 9AM to 1PM!

This is a great chance to clear out all the clutter around your house! And it’s a for a good cause too: you’ll be turning your trash into cash for school programs.

Here are a list of items that we will be accepting at the event:

  • Scrap metal, bicycles, appliances
  • 3 fire extinguishers, propane tanks
  • Computers, printers, scanners, no limit
  • 1 TV per car
  • HI-5 beverage containers
  • Cooking oil
  • Cell phones, printer cartridges, PDAs, etc.
  • Batteries, all kinds
  • Plastic playground equipment, helmets
  • Cardboard-corrugated, newspaper
  • Plastic bags, phone books, magazines
  • Green waste
  • Usable clothing and household items
  • Used eye glasses and hearing aids
  • Incandescent light bulbs exchange for CFLs
  • Prom dresses, business suits
  • Pet food, towels, blankets
  • White socks for Afghanistan
  • Also, bring your canned goods to donate to the Hawaii Food Bank!

Sorry, we cannot accept: tires, paint, microwave ovens, motor oil, or hazardous fluids.

For more information, see the flier above. Hope to see you all there!

“Let’s Talk Transit” meeting by Councilmember Breene Harimoto

  • When will the rail be in operation?
  • How much will it cost?
  • When do we receive the Federal Funds?
  • Will there be enough seats?

Get answers to these questions and any other questions you might have at these “rail question & answer” meetings with Councilman Breene Harimoto.

The Aiea meeting will be TOMORROW NIGHT (July 17th) at Alvah A. Scott Elementary School’s cafeteria from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.

If you cannot make that meeting, you’ll have two more opportunities on: 1) Wednesday, July 18th at 7:00pm at the Waipahu High School cafeteria, and 2) Waiau District Park at 7:00pm as well.

Pearl Harbor tour by Rep. Takai’s Office

Pearl Harbor destroyerAloha everyone! As announced at our last meeting, Representative K. Mark Takai’s office has arranged a free boat tour of Pearl Harbor, including its surface ships (frigates, destroyers, and cruisers), submarines, historic sites, and the reserve fleet in Middle Loch. Public tours of Pearl Harbor are few and far between, so this is definitely an exciting opportunity.

In addition, because this tour coincides with the start of RIMPAC 2012, there will be many foreign ships in port also, making this tour even more special.

The tour will take place at 4:00pm next week Friday, June 29th and will depart at the USS Arizona Memorial Visitors Center. If you are interested in attending, please contact Rep. K. Mark Takai’s office at 586-8455!

Photo above courtesy of the U.S. Navy.

Meeting reminder: Monday, June 18th at 7pm

The next Aiea Community Association meeting will be held on Monday, June 18 at Aiea Public Library’s conference room at 7:00 p.m. Hope to see you all there!

Note: An earlier version of the post stated an incorrect date. The date now noted above is the correct date.

‘Aiea/Pearl City Community Town Meeting on UH West Oahu

Aloha! For those who cannot see the image above, there will be an Aiea/Pearl City Town Hall Meeting tonight, May 17, at 7:00-8:30pm at Pearl Ridge Elementary School to discuss the new University of Hawaii at West Oahu, which will be opening its doors to students this August. Dr. Gene Awakumi, Chancellor of UH-West Oahu, will be a guest speaker. This event is sponsored by the ‘Aiea/Pearl City area legislators, including Senator David Ige, Senator Donna Mercado Kim, Representative Heather Giugni, Representative Aaron Ling Johanson, Representative K. Mark Takai, and Representative Roy Takumi.

This Saturday (March 21st): ‘Aiea Book Sale & ‘Aiea Music Program Steak Night

Got some free time this Saturday?  Take some time out of your busy schedule to support our community!

Aiea Library Book Sale

The Friends of the ‘Aiea Library and the `Aiea Community Association are sponsoring a BOOK SALE on April 21, 2012 from 10:00am to 3:00pm in the ‘Aiea Library Meeting Room!

Used books, CDs, DVDs, and videotapes will be sold at bargain prices. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the `Aiea Library.

‘Aiea High School Music Program Steak Night

Please help the Aiea High School Music Program by buying a $10 steak plate (includes steak, rice, tossed salad, and corn) on April 21, 2012 from 5pm-7pm at the Aiea High School Cafeteria. You can dine in or take out. If you wanna stick around, you can enjoy entertainment, a silent auction, prizes, and a bake sale, too!

For tickets, call Joy at 228-0101 or e-mail

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