A new “photo gallery” section has been added to our website! It took a bit of time for your slow-minded webmaster to figure out the logic behind Piwigo (the software that powers the gallery), but the darn thing is finally up!
Various photo galleries are in the work, but to start the section off, it seems fitting to look back at the first annual ‘Aiea Community Christmas Parade back in December of 2007, since the now eight-year-old tradition will be happening in just a couple of weeks! 12 photos from that day are online…and hopefully more will come once I’m able to figure out where the other photos are.
In other website news, I did some general back-end upgrades this evening to the software that powers this website…and managed to break the calendar in the process. I just got it working again, but I apologize if you were affected by the short down-time. In addition, I finally got the web forms on this website working again, so you should now be able to apply to be an ACA member online and contact us using the contact link.