- Attendance: Ken Best, Genotra Brown, Brandon Elefante, Pat Lee, Kimberly Mills, Jarrett Oshiro, Claire Tamamoto
- Secretary’s Report: corrected $235 collected in book sales. Completed.
- Treasurer’s Report – To be distributed. Updated to September.
- CARE Hawaii-Smooth operations. There are 5 female and 2 male residents. Anticipating one more female resident. There is a 8 to 1 ratio for residents to technician.
- Oral History Project-Jean Okazaki dropped off final binder.
- FRIENDS OF AIEA LIBRARY-the Library System Friends of the Library has requested that the Aiea Community Association organize to form the ‘Friends of Aiea Library’. By-laws are being created. Proposing 4 Officers, 3 Directors, and the Head Librarian is an ex-officio. Propose quarterly meetings. Need to complete and vote on By-laws. Umbrella under the Big Friends of the Library.
- Aiea Town Center-Still looking for bricks. RFP reported to be ‘worked on.’
- Aiea Sign-no meeting this month. Ken Chong continues to spearhead project. $50.00 reimbursement for sprinkler head.
- Christmas Parade-December 10, 9 am. Insurance being acquired. Same route as last year.
- Testimony on redistricting- Aiea Neighborhood Board, Kim and Claire submitted testimony against.
- Bridge of Friendship sponsors community group activities.
- Announcements:
- Garbage pick-up has been sporadic due to mechanical problems.
- Handouts:
- Councilmember Breene Harimoto